Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rawlsian Principles of Justice: Outline

Rawlsian Principle of Justice consists of two basic pronouncements.

The First Principle : Liberty and Equality
-Each person has a right to an adequate scheme of basic liberties.
-This right is equal for all persons.
-A similar scheme of basic liberties should be available to all.

The Second Principle: Inequality Parameters and Greatest Benefit to Least Advantaged
- Inequality can exist as long as:
# Such inequality arises out of differences in positions/offices which can be accessed by everyone with fair  equality of opportunity. [Note: not just equality of opportunity, but fair equality of opportunity, thus making it more subjective]
# The Difference Principle: Such inequality is of the greatest benefit of least advantaged person [Kinda ironic don't you think? Instead of curbing inequality, it allows that kind of inequality which is "beneficial" to the least advantaged person. Promoting a patriarchal/patronisation/we'll take care of you setup? rather than letting the least advantaged choose?]
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